Posts tagged quarantine
Dancers, you need dumbbells

It’s somewhat counterintuitive, but I’d argue that the younger the dancer, the more important it is to have access to weights. Mature dancers or professionals are strong enough to do advanced bodyweight exercise variations that will still challenge them. But younger dancers often lack the strength needed to even complete 10 perfectly executed pushups, so for them it’s helpful to be able to develop shoulder and chest strength with lighter dumbbells that get progressively heavier.

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Dancers: Quarantine Plyometric Progressions

…one of the most important things to understand about plyometric training is that it is as much about connective tissue preparation as anything. We’re used to thinking about building strong muscles, but we forget sometimes about building healthy connective tissue. And the important thing to remember about connective tissue is it takes longer to adapt to training than muscle, so it’s critical that we slowly progress training with this idea in mind or else we risk building injury into our training.

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