Posts tagged crosstraining
Mastering the Basics of Strength Training for Dancers

The approach to dancer cross training that has proliferated for far too long is to choose one of these attributes and to focus narrowly on it for several weeks, ignoring the others. But artistry without strength is possibly dangerous; technique without the stamina to last through a performance (or a season) isn’t helpful; and athleticism without artistry is better suited for sport than performance.

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Navigating Commercial Gyms for Dancers

If gyms aren’t plentiful, choose an apartment based on whether it has even a small gym. If your only option is an LA Fitness—join. If longevity is something you desire, and if dancing with less pain is something that would help you express yourself artistically, then strength training must be a part of your consideration when navigating a new city. Don’t make it an afterthought.

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Strength Training for Dancers: Improve Your Control

The most interesting conclusion in the study—which confirmed previous research on the subject—is “that the inclusion of specifically designed resistance training program can lead to significant improvement in dancing performance.” Lift weights to get stronger. Lift weights to try to prevent injury. But that’s what strength coaches worry about. Lift weights to become a better dancer? Now that should get the artistic community’s attention.

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Group Classes for Dancers? Sure. Random? Never.

But think about a dancer’s schedule. Class. Rehearsal. Learning new choreography. Often a side hustle. Time in the physical therapy room. Dancers are often busy from very early in the morning to late into the evening. This means that you can’t afford to waste time with a random group exercise routine that has little to do with your specific needs.

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Ballet: The Case for Strength Training

Our understanding of this dynamic in the sports world is nearly intuitive. If our best players are able to stay on the field longer and miss fewer games because of injury, our team has a better chance of winning. The dance world is no different, except for it relies on an approach that cares for injuries once they’ve happened (with physical therapists and athletic trainers) rather than an approach that simultaneously enhances performance and prevents injury.

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